WATCHES & WONDERS 2024︰Patek Philippe創新傳統
Ref. 5330G World Time
在東京舉行的百達翡麗「鐘錶藝術」大展上,編號5330腕錶以限量的形式問世,現在已成為品牌常規時計系列另一款式。這款新一代世界時間腕錶,箇中採納一項世界首創的專利技術:日期顯示與當地時間同步。百達翡麗特此研發240 HU C新款自動上弦機芯,提供如此方便又實用功能。新款機芯配備創新的差動系統,藉着透明玻璃中央指針,指示錶面周邊所示日期,指針尖端造成錘子形狀,塗上紅色。編號5330G-001新款世界時間白金腕錶擁有乳光藍灰色錶面。錶面中央綴以「碳纖風格」圖案裝飾。
Ref. 5738-1R Golden Ellipse
Golden Ellipse時計錶殼形狀一看能辨,於1968年問世,堪稱百達翡麗時計系列一大風格象徵。及至1980年代初,這款時計除了搭配皮革錶帶,還會選用以珍貴金屬造成的鏈式或鏈節錶帶。百達翡麗現在復興這個傳統,呈獻Golden Ellipse編號5738 / 1R-001腕錶,搭配優雅的玫瑰金鏈式錶帶。錶鏈熨貼手腕輪廓,佩戴舒適,同時更顯錶殼精緻。新款錶鏈是歷時15年研發的成品,得以重現經典鏈式錶帶的風格。新款鏈式錶帶成為Golden Ellipse編號5738 / 1R-001腕 錶獨有特色。黑檀木色放射狀錶面,搭配由240自動上弦、達翡麗常規時計系列中最纖薄的超薄機芯驅動。
Ref. 5160 / 500R-001 Grand Complications
「軍官式」萬年曆時計搭配藍寶石水晶錶殼底蓋,後者由鉸鏈式防塵蓋保護,錶耳筆直,備有自動回位日期指針,種種細節令這種腕錶深得稀有時計愛好者樂道,成為備受渴求的時計之一。尤其是錶殼與錶面中央全由人手精雕的時計款式,百達翡麗現在重新演繹於2016年推出的5160 / 500G-001白金腕錶,帶來玫瑰金款式,選用銀調乳白色錶面,搭配黑色白金立體寶璣式數字及黑色氧化黃金梨形指針。編號5160 / 500R-001新款珍稀手工藝自動回位萬年曆腕錶配以26-330 S QR自動上弦機芯,時計將取代之前的白金款式。
Ref. 5980 / 60G-001 Nautilus
Is certainty a sin? Brian YS Wong
A few weeks back, I watched one of the most widely anticipated releases of 2024 – Conclave, a riveting political thriller directed by Edward Berger. Without giving too much away, I would settle for
Why Carpe Diem Brian YS Wong
“Carpe Diem” – we are told. To seize the day, is a moral prerogative. We must expend each and every hour, minute, and second with due care and caution, paying conscientious heed to the fact that our
British doctor’s autobiography describes remarkable life in HK Mark O'Neill
Dr John Mackay arrived in Hong Kong in 1963 and has lived here ever since. For 30 years. he was one of the city’s most respected physicians in one of the largest medical practices and then chose a
To build Hong Kong into an AI training base Dr. Winnie Tang
Since 2022, the Government has introduced a number of measures to compete for talents, and this year's Policy Address has made more persistent efforts to nurture local and lure I&T talent from all
Correlation between emotional health and academic performance Dr. Winnie Tang
What can we learn from the latest research which shows a positive relationship between mental health and academic achievement? In view of the sharp increase in student suicide cases in recent years,