TEXT BY 再思 PHOTO BY 港島香格里拉
Rempapa主廚Damian D'SilvaRempapa主廚Damian D'Silva和茗悅主廚林師傅結合烹飪的熱情和對福建菜的領會,不斷改良菜式。在兩天的聯乘活動中,食客有機會品嘗三道菜午餐和五道菜晚餐,一嘗兩位主廚的拿手菜,包括:娘惹小金杯和僅於晚餐供應的娘惹/褔建炆麵。
娘惹/褔建炆麵小金杯外層酥脆,加入先以鮮蝦豬肉高湯燉煮的竹筍、沙葛、鮮蝦及芫荽,並結合廈門風味潤餅配料,味道豐富;炆麵以福建油麵加入豬肉片、鮮蝦、豆芽,一隻代表新生命的水煮蛋及鮮蝦豬肉濃湯烹製而成,令人回味。6月27日上午11時至中午12時30分更會由Damian主持一場大師班,介紹其招牌福建特色菜娘惹豆醬燜豬肉 (Babi Chin)。大師班長約45分鐘至一小時,最多可容納30位客人。Damian將講解及示範烹調,而參加者亦有機會品嘗該道菜式,了解福建菜和娘惹菜如何互相輝映。
LawTech strengthens Hong Kong’s position as a financial centre Dr. Winnie Tang
The Hong Kong Judiciary issued guidelines on the use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) earlier to judges and supporting staff, stressing that the use of technology should not “undermine
Living Life to the Fullest Brian YS Wong
I used to think I had lived life to the fullest. I now think I’m beginning to see what that in fact entails. I grew up in a culture that treasured hard work – industriousness was prized as a norm. To
Hong Kong Ballet’s Wizard of Oz opens new season Kevin Ng
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How to build your own brand Dr. Winnie Tang
In recent years, the fierce competitions have led to the rise of elevator pitches. The original idea of elevator pitches was if you meet a potential customer or investor in the elevator one day, how
Cooling solution without electricity Dr. Winnie Tang
It has been estimated that by 2070, the average annual temperature in Hong Kong will reach 26 degrees (24.5 degrees in 2023), and the weather will be very hot throughout the year. In face of extreme